Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday, August 31

  • To practice writing with brevity and showing not telling.
  • To learn about Memoir and genre writing.
  • To practice Illustrating writing to enhance the message.
Freewrite: Obama embarrassed sign: Free speech or Hate speech? Obama Billboard
Guiding questions: What is a Memoir?
What makes a Memoir special?
2 qualities of good writing are
  • Brevity—Saying what you need to say in the fewest, most concise words possible.
  • Showing not telling—Making your reader see without telling them what to see. Discuss what these things mean.
In order to practice this we’re going to write a 6-word memoir and illustrate it.
I’ll show you a few to give you some ideas. 6-Word Memoir on NPR
Discuss each memoir and talk about the illustration.
Then ask the students to write the memoir and think about how to illustrate it.
The project is due Friday, September 3

We will post via Flowr on Friday as part of our Google Docs instruction.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday, August 30 SSR

Sustained Silent Reading:
Timer is set for 30 minutes.
Students read silently for the full time. They may read any BOOK of their choosing.
Last 10-18 minutes of class
Continue to read and/or do Reader Response Journal.  

Friday, August 27

Objectives: To begin to answer the essential question what is the American Dream?
To practice the Reader Response Journal.
Freewrite: Describe a time when you were lost either mentally or physically.
Finish yesterday’s article with those hours that did not finish it and write the reader response journal in class. Have students submit to check the form and style of it.
Complete the Reflection on my Week
Remind the students that SSR is Monday.  

Thursday, August 26

Finish yesterday’s article with those hours that did not finish it and write the reader response journal in class. Have students submit to check the form and style of it.

Give suggestions to them about how to write the what did you notice.
Tone, audience, ironic, sarcastic.

Wednesday, August 25

Objectives: To begin to answer the essential question what is the American Dream?
To practice the Reader Response Journal.
Freewrite: “Knowledge is created by the learner, not given by the teacher.” --unknown
Finish yesterday’s article with those hours that did not finish it and write the reader response journal in class. Have students submit to check the form and style of it.

Give suggestions to them about how to write the what did you notice.
                Tone, audience, ironic, sarcastic.

Tuesday, August 24

  • To smile
  • To begin to write
Discussion: What makes good writing?
Students created a hierarchy of important elements of writing.

Read Teacher Man excerpt together

These questions might be counter intuitive but we need to all be on the same page before we start writing together.
What does this say about writing?
Story telling
What is a story?

Little bit of homework:
Go home and write your life story…start with your birth and end with today…Hit all the high points of your life. Length is up to you.

Monday, August 23

To smile
To read and think wisely
            To enjoy the day
Make Notecards:     
Sustained Silent Reading Discussion

  •  SSR will be on Monday's
  •  SSR—Book choice. . . 
    • Must be a book or graphic novel of some intellectual weight

Discuss the Reader response protocol:
Reader Response instructions can be found under the Reader Response tab at the top of tbe blog.  
            A reader response journal will be completed for each Monday SSR Session and for every piece of literature you read. If I give you a reading assignment you will complete a reader response journal.  The Journal’s should be kept in your notebook or in your folder kept in my classroom. If you loose a reader response journal or don’t do them your grade in my class will be adversely affected. These journals are essential in proving to me that you are learning from your reading.
If time allows have students read. If not they need to read  at home and do a journal then bring to class tomorrow. I will collect this first one to be sure that you are on the right path with the response.

Lesson Plan for Friday, August 20

To smile
To know and understand how room 109 runs.
Take Role
            Handout the syllabi
            Prezi Presentation to supplement the syllabi

Monday, August 30 and Tuesday, August 31

English I is completing and Orientation to the High school library upon which they will receive a grade.

Friday, August 27

Finish any part of below that is not yet done.
Some poems have a story to them and some poems can create a feeling of suspense.
                Read Casey at Bat in the freshman book. Pg. 36 through 38.
                Do a reader response journal for this poem.
                Ask students to describe how the author gives a sense of suspense in their summaries.
Complete Reflection on my week.

Wednesday August 25

Freewrite: Describe a time  you were lost either mentally or physically.

Read the poem My Papa's Waltz line by line and discuss the action and characterization that is happening.

Students write a reader response to the poem.

Collect the response and go over with the students.

Thursday, August 26

Question: What is a poet’s job?
                             poetry is story telling in fancy words
View Casey at Bat cartoon. What are the elements of a story?
  • Beginning
  • Middle
  • End.
Some poems have a story to them and some poems can create a feeling of suspense.
Read Casey at Bat in the freshman book. Pg. 36 through 38.
Do a reader response journal for this poem.
Ask students to describe how the author gives a sense of suspense in the summary section of their journals.

Tuesday, August 24

  • To explore imagery in a poem
  • To connect the poem to real life
  • To write a creative piece extending the poem
Freewrite: One of the essential questions

Discussed the poem "Central School" and the students were asked to complete the poem by writing a four line stanza at the end of the poem.

Monday August 23

Today in English I We...

Made Notecards for keeping attendance.     
We discussed Sustained Silent Reading Procedure. 
            SSR—Book choice. . .
                        Must be a book or graphic novel of some weight
We Discussed the Reader response protocol that students will use to respond to the books they are reading for SSR: Demonstrate
            A reader response journal will be completed for each Monday SSR Session and for every piece of literature you read. If I give you a reading assignment you will complete a reader response journal.  The Journal’s should be kept in your notebook or in your folder kept in my classroom. If you lose a reader response journal or don’t do them your grade in my class will be adversely affected. These journals are essential in proving to me that you are learning from your reading.
  The instructions for the Reader Response Journal are under the Reader Response tab at the top of the blog.          

Friday, August 20, 2010

Lesson Plan for Friday, August 20

We went over the syllabus in class today. You may download a new copy at the link below. 
Here is a link to the Syllabus that you may download and print
English I syllabus 2010-11

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Summer Reading

I hope that you like I will foster a love of reading over the coming year.
I spent the first part of my summer devouring some great novels that I think some of you will love.

Artemis Fowl Eoin Cowlfer
Inkheart Cornelia Funke
Inkspell Cornelia Funke
Water for Elephants Sara Gruen

The Book Thief Markus Zusak

What have you been reading? 

Summer Reading

I hope that you like I will foster a love of reading over the coming year.
I spent the first part of my summer devouring some great novels that I think some of you will love.

Artemis Fowl Eoin Cowlfer
Inkheart Cornelia Funke
Inkspell Cornelia Funke
Water for Elephants Sara Gruen

The Book Thief Markus Zusak

What have you been reading? 

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Welcome to English I

Welcome to school! I hope you've had a great summer and are as excited as I am about this year.

For my class this year you will need a dedicated notebook (I prefer that it be a one subject) for my class and a pocket folder. These must be for my class alone because they will play a part in your portfolio checks.
And, you MUST bring your student handbook/planner to class everyday!!!

Wordle: Eng III Syllabus

Welcome to English III

Welcome to school! I hope you've had a great summer and are as excited as I am about this year.

For my class this year you will need a dedicated notebook (I prefer that it be a one subject) for my class and a pocket folder. These must be for my class alone because they will play a part in your portfolio checks.

Wordle: Eng III Syllabus